Sagar Business has initiated a division to make documentaries on current issues affecting human lives and environment in particular amongst other themes. These videos created by Sagar Business Private Limited, showcase documentaries that cover timely, provocative and globally relevant stories, deals with actual and factual issues, institutions, and people; whose purpose is to educate, inform, communicate, persuade, raise consciousness, or satisfy curiosity; which helps in furthering knowledge and understanding.


We are facing the worst pandemic the world has witnessed in 100 years. The coronavirus outbreak brought lives across the world including India to a standstill, infected more than 2 crore people and claimed more than 2 Lakhs people losing their lives in India. However, from last year, which witnessed the world coming together to fight coronavirus. The year with its share of trials and tribulations threw up some exemplary work being done by organisations and individuals in this difficult time as the pandemic spread, a new breed of warriors with an indomitable spirit stood up bravely against it to take on the challenge head on. These videos shot during the Lockdown by Sagar Business Private Limited, are dedicated to all Coronavirus warriors, who took it upon themselves to free the world from this highly infectious disease in one way or another. These warriors, who are fighting COVID-19 from the frontline include our doctors and other healthcare staff, who selflessly dedicated themselves to save lives.